Saturday, April 18, 2009

Superchick Concert!!!

Ok so I actaully got the chance to WIN two tickets to this concert. And let me tell you...I WAS FUN! Me and my friend were able to go and just have a good time without me having to pay. It was a really good concert but the outcome of people was really low. I mean I was surprised that there wasn't as many people as the last time I was able to go to one of their concerts. They had a speaker and another band with them, Tal and Acica, I think is what they were called. They were sisters ,one played the guitar and vocal and the other was just a singer. They were both really good and I really enjoyed their music. Anyways here are some pics....If they work. :P I have a bunch more pics but I think I will just put these ones on! (I don't have to time or patience for the rest.)



Hobbit said...

That's SWEET!

Aaron said...

I wish I had gone! Nobody ever tells me about these things... :-(

Greg Heil said...

some sweet pics!!

Cassia said...

Did they do it in the sanctuary?

Kryssie said...

Yeah it was.