Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More photos!

Wow You must be thinking "WHAT THE HEY?!

Well it was fun and yeah this is about two years ago! But the rest are from photography!


joshthecollegekid said...

let me guess..rob, olivia,and two people who i can't figure out

Kryssie said...

Me and Marie H....Yeah It was AWESOME!!!

Cassia said...

I remember that. It tasted gross. I really like the tree one.

Kryssie said...

WHy did you taste was shaving cream so it is not suppode to taste good.

Cassia said...

Marie got it in my mouth...

NatetheGreat said...

I remember that. That was crazy.

joshthecollegekid said...

eeeewwww, that would be nasty...blah....

Kryssie said...

Asisca: Yeah she got it in my mouth was gross.

Nathan: It was INSANE!!! But totally fun.

Rogerman:It was nasty!

joshthecollegekid said...

wow...that right there is REAL talent folks, she can hold three different conversations in one

Princess said...

oh you haven't seen talented yet :P

and those pics are awesome.

Kryssie said...

Yeah I agree it's not really talent at all...

joshthecollegekid said...

hey, i can talk(hold a conversation), walk,chew gum,read, and listen to music, at the same that's MAD we said in Yakima

Kryssie said...

Good for yuo!

joshthecollegekid said...

who's 'yuo'

Cassia said...

a typo

Kryssie said...

Yeah...I never proof read so I have typos sometimes.

joshthecollegekid said...

proof-reading is for people who are.....ummmm..i don't know..proof-reading people i guess

Princess said...

argh! I can't STAND typos!!!!

Kryssie said...

I can't either but I never check for them!

joshthecollegekid said...

i don't care as long as people get the idea